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Did You Find Out? Get the Answer to the Riddle of E-News Issue No. 3, July 2020


Which Symbol Do I Have?

riddle, puzzle, e-news, brainteaser, brain teaser, neck, symbol
How can the man figure out the symbol on his neck?

After the kidnapping, they are lined up in a row and a symbol is painted the back of each of their necks. There is a wall between the first three men and the fourth man, which means no one can see the fourth man and he cannot see the others. The first man can see the second and third men, and the second man can see the third man. The men know that the symbols include two suns and two snakes. They must stand perfectly in place and they are not allowed talk to each other.

All the men will get their treasure back if one of them correctly guesses which symbol he has on his neck. After a few minutes, a man gives the correct answer.

Who was it and how did he know?


The second man answers after a few minutes. He saw that the man in front of him had a sun and thought that if he also had that symbol, the first man would have known that he had a snake. But because the first man had not answered within a few minutes, the second man knew that he must have a different symbol on his neck than the third.


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